
“We used to use spreadsheets to keep track of everything. The information is now in a database where everyone can access it. It’s the right tool for the job.”

- Operations Mgr, Material Processing Co.


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Case - Material Handling

Material Handling Workflow

We met the CEO of this new company on a particular Friday evening at a networking event. We spoke about his ways for managing the information associated with his material handling work-flow. He needed a system to support his internal operations, and he wanted it fast. “Call me on Monday” he said.

We called him and we went on a tour of his facility. He showed us the different job stations and explained the information that needed to be gathered at each post.

That afternoon we created a model to formalize the information that he described to us. We verified the model and went to work.

Sixty (60) hours later, we delivered a system for capturing and reporting the information he described, ready for qualification. After applying just 3 minor updates, this 42K+ line system went live!

The system was delivered faster than the supply of bar code labels they use to tag their inventory items. Since then, the system has been extended to cover many more aspects of their business.

The company is Ewaste Technology Management, LLC — Cranston, RI

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